
Student Activities Program Assistantship

学生活动办公室正在寻找一个积极主动和有组织的个人加入我们的团队. 这个位置在支持规划方面起着至关重要的作用, 协调, 并执行广泛的学生项目和活动. 学生活动助理将与学生活动团队紧密合作,提供行政支持, assist in event management, advise student leaders, supervise student employees, and contribute to the overall success of the office. 这是一个具有里程碑意义的大学研究生助教计划(PGAP)职位, 并且只适用于最近毕业的Landmark College (LC)学生. To learn more about the PGAP program, please visit this page

If you are passionate about 支持ing student engagement, fostering leadership development, and facilitating memorable experiences, we encourage you to apply.

请注意,本职位描述概述了该职位的职责和资格. 职责和期望可能会根据学生活动办公室不断变化的需求而变化.

部门: Office of Student Activities
主管: Emily North, Director of Student Activities
Positions Open: 1
Days and Times Needed: 工作时间:每周30小时. 灵活的工作时间,包括晚上和周末的工作时间.
Dress Requirements: Business casual

Duties and Responsibilities:

Administrative Support:

  • 协助维护项目预算,费用跟踪和财务文件.
  • Prepare and distribute promotional materials, including flyers, 海报, digital content, and regular calendar updates.
  • Maintain accurate records, 数据库, and contact lists of student organizations, 参与者, and program evaluations.
  • 协调日程安排,房间预订,以及活动和会议的后勤工作.
  • Respond to inquiries and provide information to students, 工作人员, and faculty regarding student 项目 and activities.
  • 跟踪和报告活动和项目的出席和参与情况.

Event Coordination:

  • 协助策划和执行各种学生项目和活动, including but not limited to social events, 研讨会, 会议, and performances.
  • 与学生组织和校园其他部门合作,协调后勤工作, secure resources, and ensure smooth event operations.
  • 帮助搭建和拆除活动场地,安排设备,并监督技术要求.
  • 监控和监督事件以确保符合政策, safety guidelines, and proper conduct.

Communication and Collaboration:

  • 与学生组织保持有效的沟通渠道, campus departments, and external vendors to facilitate program 协调.
  • 与学生活动团队合作,产生新的想法,开发创新的项目,以满足学生的不同兴趣和需求.
  • Actively participate in meetings, team discussions, 以及提供见解和分享进展更新的培训课程.
  • Foster positive relationships with students, 提供指导和支持,以促进他们参与活动和倡议.

Student Leadership Development:

  • 协助学生组织领导的领导力培训项目和研讨会的发展和实施.
  • 鼓励学生参与和参与领导力发展活动,以促进个人和专业成长.

Advising of Student Leaders:

  • 担任各种学生组织学生干部的顾问和导师.
  • 在组织目标的制定和执行中提供指导和支持, 项目, 和计划.
  • 协助学生领导处理行政事务, including budgeting, 活动策划, and campus policies.
  • 培养积极和包容的环境,鼓励学生领导, 协作, and personal growth.
  • 定期与学生领导进行检查和会议,以提供反馈, 评估进展, and address any concerns or challenges.

Supervision of Student Employees:

  • Assist with the recruitment, 招聘, 培训, 以及学生活动办公室内学生员工的安排.
  • Provide supervision, 指导, 并对学生员工的表现进行反馈,以确保他们的专业发展和成功.
  • Assign tasks and projects to student employees, 有效地委派职责并提供必要的资源.
  • 协调工作分配,优先完成任务,确保办公室顺利运作.
  • Foster a positive work environment, promoting teamwork, 沟通, and a strong work ethic among student employees.

Essential Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree in a relevant field (e.g.(高等教育、学生事务、通讯)优先.
  • 较强的组织和时间管理能力,能够有效地优先处理任务.
  • Excellent verbal and written 沟通 skills.
  • 熟练使用办公软件和技术平台, including word processing, 电子表格, and presentation software.
  • 能够在团队合作的环境中协同工作.
  • 能够独立工作,积极主动,解决问题.
  • 根据需要,灵活地在晚上和周末工作,以支持项目活动和事件.

Physical Requirements: 


Located in southern Vermont, 亚洲博彩平台排名一所以不同方式学习的学生的首选机构. 作为全国第一所为有学习障碍(包括阅读障碍)的学生提供认可的大学,, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和自闭症, we are a mainstream college with a unique, resource-rich academic model.

地标学院人力资源办公室努力确保我们是首选的雇主, 吸引和留住独特的人才,能够提升学院作为不同学习方式学生的首选学院的地位. 我们致力于将每个人视为独立个体的理念, worthy of respect, 信任, dignity and fair treatment, and we apply these tenets to serve, 支持, and value all members of our community.

我们认识到提供一个有利于执行学院使命的工作环境的重要性,并有助于我们的教职员工的个人和专业成长. For Human Resources, this means the administration of employment policies, 福利计划, 定期评估并保持竞争力和公平的薪酬计划.


Interested individuals should provide a cover letter, 简历或简历, and the names of three references. Electronic submissions are preferred. Please email your application to [email protected]. 申请也可邮寄至人力资源总监, Landmark College, 19 River Road South, 帕特尼, 05346年佛蒙特州. No phone calls please.

多元化的学生,教师和管理是符合我们的使命. We value diverse populations and cultures including, but not limited to, 种族, 性别, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 神经的多样性, 比赛, 和宗教. Landmark College is an EO/AA/Vet/Disability employer.
